Saturday, 27 June 2015

Coming back to the new beginning

Once again, I have returned for an indeterminate amount of time, so I will just dive into things like I wasn't gone in the first place. The update process went a little slower than usual, since I couldn't just download it direct and had to turn on the torrent function to complete the process. A little odd, buy oh well.

Ah yes, this was what I was hoping to see. Well, mostly. While I was gone, I was keeping an eye on the World of Warships forums and was reading all about the problems/issues surround the Humble Bundle Murmansk E3 package that was offered. Without going into too many details, I am just happy to see the ship appeared on my account, despite the other components being absent. Now, has the name always been on the rear quarters and I just never noticed?

I was also pleased to lay my eyes on the tier IV Closed Beta reward Arkansas-Beta. I did spend sometime experimenting with what this ship could have been like, before the update, by using the same tiered American Battleship Wyoming as a point of reference.

While Battleships aren't my strong suit or preferred playstyle, my Arkansas will be a valued addition to my fleet and just perhaps, I might even get "good" with it. I took a quick note of the "comparison" function, as seen in World of Warplanes, has made it's way into Ships. A nice touch and a handy tool.

The tech tress for some nations have experienced some changes as well. For Japan, the Kitakami at tier VIII is out, the Atago is now in. Changes for the tier I starter ships too. I wonder why the switch out?

For the US, only the Albany, at tier II is missing.

Mother Russia is looking about the same.

No changes for the only ship, representing the UK.

I will post more, once I get a few battles under my belt, getting a feel for some of the other changes I am expecting to have taken place.

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